Services and Solutions
Client's IT needs Assesment.
Complete design and implementation of solutions.
Disaster Prevention and Data Recovery.
Malware infection prevention, removal.
Local and Cloud Backups. Carbonite and CrashPlan.
System upgrades (Memory, Storage, Video Subsystems).
Extensive expertise in diagnosing and solving system problems.
PCs and Servers Provisioning by DELL
Software Solutions Provisioning by Microsoft

Backup & data Recovery
We can set your system up with Local file, disk image and/or Cloud backups such as Carbonite for easy system or file recovery or the safekeeping of your data. Image backups create an image of your entire system, allowing the recovery of your computer from a catastrophic hard drive failure. We have partnered with world-leading Kroll Ontrack® Data Recovery Services in cases of catastrophic data loss where backups are non-existent or useless.
Cloud Services
There is an incredible selection of Cloud storage services available:
Microsoft Onedrive,
Google Drive File Sync and Dropbox.
All capable of synchronizing across PCs, Smartphones, and Tablets. We can help you set up with one or more of these.
IT Security
Protection against malware, viral infections. Network and host firewalls. Data-in-transit protection via encryption.
We can help you select the right solutions for system protection.
A Server should be the central repository of your data and offers many other roles and functions to implement and enhance authentication, authorization, security and workgroup collaboration and communications.
IT Services for Small Businesses
We can be your Offsite and Onsite Information Technologies Experts by performing the necessary administrative functions to configure and maintain your System Infrastructure.
Mobile Devices
We have extensive experience in Chrome OS, Android, and IOS devices and we can help you set up these with your services among many other functions, such as scanning to PDF, automatic photo uploads, multimedia management and, Personal Information Management.